Dating Rocks with Cosmogenic Nuclides Artwork: NaturPhilosophie with AI

Dating Rocks – Methods of Historical Surface Exposure Analysis

Dating Rocks with Cosmogenic Nuclides Artwork: NaturPhilosophie with AIOur Earth is constantly bombarded with high energy particles and cosmic rays.  These charged particles interact with the atoms in atmospheric gases, producing a cascade of secondary particles.  And you can use those for dating rocks! 

Surface Exposure Dating

Scientists have an array of geochronological techniques at their disposal for estimating the length of time a rock has been exposed at the Earth’s surface or buried near it.

Surface exposure dating is used to date all manners of geological events:

This technique is most useful for rocks which have been exposed to the surface for between 103 and 106 years.

Cosmogenic RadioNuclide Dating

The most common of these dating techniques is cosmogenic radionuclide dating or CRN.

Earth is constantly bombarded with primary cosmic rays, rich in high energy charged particles – mostly protons and alpha particles.

These particles interact with atoms in atmospheric gases, producing a cascade of secondary particles that may in turn interact and reduce their energies in many reactions as they pass through Earth’s atmosphere.


A diagram showing Three Isotopes of Hydrogen: Protium, Deuterium, TritiumThis cascade includes a small fraction of hadrons, including neutrons.

When one of these particles strikes an atom, it can dislodge one or more protons and/or neutrons from that atom, producing a different element or a different isotope of the original element.

In rocks and materials of a similar density, most of the cosmic ray flux is absorbed within the first metre of exposed material in reactions that produce new isotopes called cosmogenic nuclides.

On the surface, most of these nuclides are produced by neutron spallation.

Spallation Reactions

An animation showing possible scenarios for a spallation reaction. Source: WikipediaCosmogenic nuclides are produced by chains of spallation reactions.

Spallation describes the ejection of material from a target during impact by a projectile.

The reaction can occur with or without penetration of the target.

The production rate for a particular nuclide is a function of geomagnetic latitude, the amount of sky that can be seen from the point that is sampled, elevation, sample depth, and density of matter in which the sample is embedded.

A spallation source produces pulsed or quasi-continuous neutron beams by the acceleration of protons hitting the target material of heavy nuclei.  In contrast to the fission of heavy nuclides, one spallation reaction releases about 20 – 30 neutrons per incident particle. Source: Maier-Leibnitz Zentrum

Decay rates are given by decay constants of the radionuclides.

These equations can be combined to give a total concentration of cosmogenic radionuclides in a rock as a function of age.

Using certain cosmogenic radionuclides, scientists can discover:


The CRN dating method is based on the rate of accumulation of cosmic rays that stimulate the production and decay of radionuclides such as 14C, 10Be, 26Al, and 36Cl.

It takes the different rates of radioactive decay of multiple cosmogenic nuclides co-produced in a rock to determine the length of time that a previously exposed surface has been buried, and thus determine how long a rock sample has been shielded from cosmogenic nuclide production.

The half-life t1/2 is the time required for a quantity to reduce to half its initial value.  It describes how quickly unstable atoms undergo, or how long stable atoms survive, radioactive decay.

However, a half-life usually describes the decay of discrete entities.

A half-life period is defined in terms of probability.

Characteristics and half-lives of isotopes used in Surface Exposure Dating. Source: Wikipedia

The basic principle is that these isotopes/radionuclides are produced at a known rate and also decay at a known rate.

Accordingly, measuring the concentration of these cosmogenic nuclides in a rock sample and accounting for the flux of the cosmic rays and the half-life of the nuclide, makes it possible to estimate how long the sample has been exposed to the cosmic rays.

Optically Stimulated Luminescence Thermochronometry

Processes associated with Optically Stimulated Luminescence (OSL) dating: (a) Luminescence is acquired in mineral grains with exposure to ionizing radiation and trapping of electrons. (b) The luminescence for grains is zeroed by exposure to sunlight with erosion and transport. (c) With burial and exposure to ionizing radiation free electrons are stored in charge defects within grains crystal lattice. (d) Further light exposure of grains with erosion and transport zeros the luminescence. (e) The grains are buried again and luminescence is acquired with exposure to ionizing radiation. (f) Careful sampling without light exposure and measuring of the natural luminescence, followed by a normalizing test dose (Ln/Tn) compared to the regenerative dose to yield an equivalent dose (De) (from Mellet, 2013). Source: Baylor University – Geosciences

An Optically Stimulated Luminescence (OSL) signal is a function of trapped electrons in quartz (SiO2) or feldspar.

Within the natural environment, these minerals store electron charges as they cool below their closure temperatures.

Irradiation of a quartz-like rock results from exposure to a radiation source, i.e. cosmic rays.

Natural Luminescence

Here geoscientists rely on the following rationale:

The luminescence is acquired in mineral grains through their exposure to ionizing radiation and the trapping of electrons.

The luminescence in the mineral grains is zeroed by exposure to sunlight due to erosion, but also transport.

With the cycles of burial and exposure to ionizing radiation, free electrons are stored in charge defects within grains crystal lattice.

A three-part diagram showing the lattice structure of a rock like quartz, and the different stages of the trapping of electrons within rocks. The text reads: (a) Crystallographic Vacancies. Positively charged crystal defects capable of trapping diffusing electrons (i.e. electron trap) Hole trap: a negatively charged crystal defect capable of trapping electron hole. (b) Electron and Hole Trapping Trapped electron Irradiation from ionization radiation source Trapped hole: A "hole" is a virtual particle left behind when a valence electron leaves its position with a charge of e+ (denoted as h+). (c) Electron Hole Recombination Thermal lattice vibration causes trapped electrons to be evicted Atomic vibration from a heat source Light Electron-hole recombination.
Electrons Trapping and Detrapping: OSL signal is a function of trapped electrons in quartz or feldspar. In the natural environment, these minerals store electron charges as they cool below their closure temperatures. The schematic illustration show electron trapping and detrapping process at the crystal-scale (A) Typical crystal structure showing crystallographic sites or vacancies (B) Trapping of electron-hole pair as the valence band breaks when it is irradiated by an ionizing source (C) release of light during Electron-hole pair recombination. Electron leaves its site and recombines with hole by thermal vibration of the lattices. The process generate luminescence signal. Source: Wikipedia

Further light exposure of grains with erosion and transport zeroes the luminescence.

The grains are buried again and luminescence is acquired with exposure to ionizing radiation.

A “hole” is a virtual particle left behind when a valence electron leaves its position with a charge of e+.

Careful sampling without light exposure, and measuring of the natural luminescence, is followed by a normalizing test dose (Ln/Tn) compared to the regenerative dose to yield an equivalent dose (De).

Experimentation Method

Optically Stimulated Luminescence (OSL) Dating Source: Nature Reviews ??(??)
Optically Stimulated Luminescence (OSL) Dating Experimentation Technique Source: Nature Reviews Methods Primers (2021)

Rates of nuclide production must be estimated in order to date a rock sample.

These rates are usually estimated empirically by comparing the concentration of isotopes produced in samples whose ages have been dated by other means, such as radiocarbon dating.

To calculate the age of a sedimentary deposit, a rock sample is collected, prepared and analysed to determine the luminescence of the quartz-rich extract and the sediment radioactivity.

While the outer few centimetres of the sediment are discarded, the rest of the sample is transported to the laboratory where it can be sieved and treated with an acid to extract the quartz grains.

Analysis of the sample is carried out in the dark.

Finally, a luminescence detector measures the dose absorbed during the burial stage.

Environmental Constraints

Of course, the cumulative flux of cosmic rays at a particular location can also be affected by several factors, including:

The excess relative to natural abundance of cosmogenic nuclides in a rock sample is usually measured by means of accelerator mass spectrometry.

Beryllium (10Be) and Aluminium (26Al)

The two most frequently measured cosmogenic nuclides are Beryllium-10 and Aluminium-26.

The Beryllium-10 isotope is created in the atmosphere by galactic cosmic rays.  Because the flux of such cosmic rays is affected by the intensity of the interplanetary magnetic field carried by the solar wind, the rate at which Beryllium-10 is created changes with solar activity.

These two radionuclides are particularly useful to geologists because they are produced when cosmic rays strike isotopes of Oxygen-16 and Silicon-28, respectively.

Production from Quartz (SiO2)

A diagram showing the cycle of Oxygen-16 decay and Beryllium-10 production in the Earth's atmosphere.
Meteoric Beryllium-10 Concentrations from Saprolite and Till- Implications for Glacial Erosion and Age Source: Ebert et al. (2012) ScienceDirect

The parent isotopes 16O and 28Si are the most abundant of these elements and they occur commonly in the Earth’s crust, whereas the radioactive daughter nuclei 10Be and 26Al are not naturally produced by any other processes.

Production of Meteoric Beryllium-10 radionuclides in Earth’s atmosphere. Source: ScienceDirect

As oxygen-16 is also common in the atmosphere, the contribution to the beryllium-10 concentration from material deposited rather than created in situ must be taken into account.

10Be and 26Al are produced when a portion of a quartz crystal SiO2 is bombarded by a spallation product.  The oxygen of the quartz is transformed into 10Be, and the silicon is transformed into 26Al.

Finding Ratio and Production Depth

Worldwide Maps of Cosmogenic Nuclides in Glacial Landform and River Sediment Source: Schaefer et al (2022) Nature Reviews Methods Primers

Each one of these two radionuclides is produced at a different rate.

Both can be used individually to date how long the material has been exposed at the surface.

But since there are two radionuclides decaying, the ratio of concentrations of these two nuclides can also be used without any other knowledge to determine an age at which the sample was buried past the production depth, typically between 2 – 10 metres.

Solar Winds

A plot diagram showing the inverse relationship between Beryllium-10 concentration and sunspot numbers.
Solar Activity Proxies Plot Diagram: This figure shows two different proxies of solar activity during the last several hundred years. In red, the Group Sunspot Number (Rg) as reconstructed from historical observations by Hoyt and Schatten (1998a, 1998b). In blue, the beryllium-10 concentration (104 atoms/(gram of ice)) as measured in an annually layered ice core from Dye-3, Greenland (Beer et al. 1994).The dark curves are 30 year averages of the data. Source: Wikipedia

A more active Sun results in lower beryllium concentrations. Since the atmospheric residence time for beryllium is not more than a few years, it is also possible to resolve the solar magnetic cycle in beryllium concentrations.

Beryllium measurements, such as these, are the best evidence that the solar magnetic cycle did not cease even during the period with no evident sunspots.

Chlorine-36 (36Cl) Dating

Diagrams explaining the Production of Chlorine-36. The properties of 36Cl make it useful to characterize cosmic particle bombardment and past solar activity. 
Production of Cosmogenic Nuclide Chlorine-36 at the Earth’s surface Source: AntarcticGlaciers.Org

Chlorine-36 nuclides are also measured to date surface rocks.

The properties of 36Cl make it useful as a proxy data source to characterize cosmic particle bombardment and past solar activity.

The half-life of this isotope makes it suitable for geological dating in the range of 60,000 to 1 million years.

This isotope may be produced by cosmic ray spallation of calcium-40 or potassium-39.  It can also be produced as a result of thermal neutron absorption of Chlorine-35.

Following 90,000 Year Old Footsteps

A photo montage showing the location of the discovery in Larache, Morocco on a partial map of Africa, with an image of the actual footprints being photographed in situ by the archaeologists. Map: Wikimedia
Hominin Tracks in Larache, Morocco: Two cross trackways and photography for 3D footprint modelling Source: Nature Scientific Reports

In 2023, archaeologists found the foosteps of a group of humans in rock sediments, on the northwestern Moroccan ocean shore.

Such a discovery is extremely rare.  The track preservation through time relied on a set of geological circumstances written into the very history of the local terrain.

In this case, the 85 human footprints were found in a sandy area on a rocky part of the shoreline in Larache, Morocco.

As often, it was a chance discovery.

Using the OSL dating  method, the scientists were able to determine that the footprints had been made during the late Pleistocene, approximately 90,000 years ago.

Previously, no human footprint sites were known to date back any earlier than the Holocene.  The Larache footprints are, therefore, the oldest attributed to Homo sapiens in Northern Africa and the Southern Mediterranean.

So yes, dating rocks.  Dating really rocks!