Energy of the Vacuum Black Hole Artwork: NaturPhilosophie with AI

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Energy of the Vacuum Black Hole Artwork: NaturPhilosophie with AI

It’s 2025. Happy New Year!

And it’s been over 10 years.

So far, what have we learned?

Well, it turns out that reality has many many layers.  And that the notion of time is a such a complete fudge that we might as well call it the “grandfather of all paradoxes”.  As for the Universe, it keeps on expanding at an ever increasing rate.

There’s only one remedy for it: seeking out more info about the world around.


Burning Planet, Artwork by NaturPhilosophie

So… What is Physics exactly?

An animated cartoon announcement from the Cocktail Party Physicist: "Rumour has it you can hear sounds on Mars... So, we're having a PAR-TY!!!"

Welcome to NaturPhilosophie News!  If you want to understand the mysteries and hidden workings of Nature, and if finding out about the World around you is your kind of thing, I hope you enjoy this website / news blog created and designed by a long-time Physics enthusiast, from the beautiful city of Glasgow, Scotland.

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Little 'Bytes' about Natural Phenomena, Theoretical Physics and the Latest Worldwide Scientific Findings. Edited from Glasgow, Scotland.